Mike Shimizu

Mike Shimizu joined his father,
Sengo Shimizu, at his Shiatsu practice in 1973. When his father passed away in 1996, Mike continued the family tradition of Sennin-So Shiatsu.
Sennin-So Shiatsu, translated as "Little Magic", is the rare healing art that Master Sengo Shimizu brought to Seattle from Japan before World War II. It has been passed down through his family.
Shiatsu Clinic
200 Broadway #201
Seattle, WA 98122

Meet Mike Shimizu
Although the best way to experience Mike is in person, below are two of his biggest fans: Elana Zaiman and Adam Hewitt.
My Portrait of a Sennin-So Shiatsu Master
by Elana Zaiman
Mike Kazunori Shimizu has been practicing shiatsu in Seattle for close to 40 years. He is his own boss and his only employee — his answering machine — serves as his secretary. Dressed in his customary shorts and tennis shoes, it’s easy to mistake this trim, gray-tinged sexagenarian as the community basketball coach rather than the renowned healer and philanthropist that he is. Affable and vigorous, this enigmatic man is both a pleasure to know and, at the same time, hard to understand.
I cannot remember which ailment first landed me in Mike’s office; over the years he has helped me with hip and back pain, thyroid problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tennis elbow — just a few of the many illnesses he treats. In just 30 minutes it’s possible to leave his office more aware of, and present in, your body and more connected to your limbs, yourself and the ground on which you stand.
Shiatsu (literally “shi,” finger and “atsu,” pressure) is a Japanese healing technique based on the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine, which emphasizes the “qi” or the body’s energy meridians, and uses finger pressure to calm the body’s nervous system.
The Path of "Little Magic"
by Adam Hewitt
(slightly edited & condensed)
Mike Kazunori Shimizu
The man who has humbled my life and who has shown me more in the past 4 years than any school could ever dream, has been written on a website that I absolutely have to share with all of you (Elana Zaiman article). Mike Kazunori Shimizu is my Shiatsu Master.

This beautiful video was made by Adam Hewitt. The first 2:49 minutes of this video are about Mike Shimizu and some history of Sennin-So Shiatsu. Thank you Adam!
Sennin-So Shiatsu, translated as "Little Magic", is the rare healing art that Master Sengo Shimizu brought to Seattle from Japan before World War II. His son, Mike Kazunori Shimizu, took over his shiatsu practice when Sengo passed away. Sengo's name plate still resides upon the office door that Mike Shimizu now operates out of and has been since the 80's.​

Mike, himself, is a staple in the Seattle community-healing the many citizens of the Seattle area and the founder of multiple charities are just a small portion of what makes Mike Shimizu an amazing man. His ability through Sennin-So Shiatsu is rivaled by none, as he has blown the minds of the smartest in the medical field and frustrated even more...including his students.
[Several] years ago, Adam Hewitt, the founder of The River Stone Shiatsu Center, began training under Mike. His training saved Adam's life and career. Mike taught him more about the body than he could have ever anticipated. Sennin-So Shiatsu has less then 30 practitioners in the entire world and, as such, Mike asked those he trained to never let his family's art die.